Yay!!! I'm so glad this helped!!
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Mawde. WOW ... you quit a potentially really fabulous career (I mean, look out Julia Roberts!) - well, I can sure relate to how you were feeling. Different reasons but same stuff at the core. FEAR. Of what, who knows, but bloody fear.
I guess I'm not the only one who has shot herself in the foot in this way.
Gotta give you credit, you can sure come up with great lies! Wow, that Germany story was amazing! What fun that it became a joke between you and your husband!
I hope you can stop having angst about your stories. You're an excellent writer and a terrific storyteller. I guess the longer you do it and the more great comments you get, the quicker you'll believe it!
Thank you for another fabulous read. I appreciate you sharing this on HHH. I'm a very lucky editor! 💜