Liberty Forrest
Jun 17, 2024


Yay! Yes, people generally appreciate having their stories shared, but if just write the person's name and link to their profile, they won't get notified that you did it, so they can't say "thank you!"

This is why it's important to properly tag - as I mentioned, using "@".

Also, box links work better than just an underlined linked story. A box link shows the title and subtitle, plus the thumbnail pic, and this is more enticing to readers than simply writing a title and linking the words.

Did that confuse you?! I hope not! Here's an example of a piece on HHH that has proper tagging and box links:



Liberty Forrest

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. Spiritual Arts. My PUBS: 1) THE AFTERLIFE; 2) HOPE, HEALING AND HUMOUR; and 3) THEWITCHYONE (for "Witchy")