Yes ... I would agree with what you just read.
And during my years as a practicing homeopath, I saw patients very quickly CURED of allergies - even the ones that were so bad, they were anaphylactic.
And I do mean cured. As in, no more need for meds and able to be around (or consume) whatever the offending animal/environment/substance was.
One of these people was my (now ex) husband. He was so allergic to fish, just walking through the fish market his throat would start to close up.
He also had hay fever in spring and various other allergies. He was on two steroids a day, plus inhaler as required.
I gave him ONE remedy, ONE time and within 2 weeks he'd weaned himself off all the meds and never needed them again.
Six months later it was May. I remember we were driving down the M23 south of London. He said suddenly that he just realised it was May and normally by March his eyes and nose were running all the time with hay fever but he'd had none of that.
A few years later, he dared try fish because it hadn't bothered him to walk through the markets since shortly after his remedy. I was on standby with a remedy that we use for anaphylaxis. He put a bit of fish near his nose and smelled it. Nothing happened after a minute or two. Put a bit on his finger. Nothing.
After a few mins. he put a little on his lip. All good.
Even ate a bit. No issue.
He was able to enjoy fish after that for the first time in his life.
Homeopathy addresses the mental and emotional make-up of the patient and any central theme or issue that's causing the symptoms. One remedy is selected to cover the totality of the mental, emotional and physical make-up of the patient.
In classical homeopathy, it is given once in most cases and then we wait several weeks to see what happens. It creates a subtle but powerful shift in your vital force (in Chinese medicine, they call it your chi).
If you're at all interested, I'd be happy to connect you with my dear friend of 20 years, and my homeopath. He is in England and he works over phone and video, either mailing the remedy to you or you can sometimes order it more quickly, depending on what it is (they are not expensive).
He's easy to talk to, a lovely spiritual soul, and is very skilled and knowledgeable.