You're certainly right about how much you do to try to make your corner of the world a better place for everyone around you.
And it's true that there are numerous challenges in the world right now, and plenty of misery if we choose to focus on it.
There is also plenty of good and lots of reason to hope for ongoing improvement.
What we think about, we bring about. The Law of Attraction is powerful and the more we focus on misery, the more of it we see. Likewise with the good stuff.
People have the capacity for both good and evil. There will always be that battle within ourselves, and with each other.
And our default setting as a species is survival. I don't believe that we will actually annihilate ourselves. There are far too many people in the world who are trying to make a positive difference.
So I don't agree with your subtitle about "the truth" as you see it. It's your fear, and although it may be based on scary things around you, it doesn't discount the hope and love that are also everywhere. That is also the truth.
We're far from done yet, Jimmy. Best to stay positive and focus on more of it. No point undoing all of your wonderful goodness and positivity by focusing on all the negatives. :) Here's a big, comforting hug.....